Georgia Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Constitution    

Revised August 25, 2024 based on updates from January 2024 Meeting

Article I. Name and Affiliation

The organization shall be known as the Georgia Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (GCSM) and shall be affiliated with the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCTM) and the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM).

Article II. Purpose

A. Improve mathematics instruction and teacher education programs

B. Provide information service regarding mathematics education

C. Cooperate with other organizations for the improvement of mathematics education

Article III. Membership/Dues

Section 1. There shall be two membership types of GCSM: active membership and associate membership.

Active Membership - Any active or retired member of the staff of a Local Education Agency, private education institution, Regional Educational Service Agency, an institution of higher education, or the State of Georgia Department of Education whose function is to provide school, district, or state-level leadership, supervisory, and/or consultative services in mathematics education shall be eligible for active membership.  An active member shall have full voting rights and privileges.

Associate Membership - Any person interested in the improvement of supervision of mathematics education shall be eligible for associate membership.  An associate member shall have all rights and privileges of active members except the rights of (1) holding office and (2) voting.

Section 2. The dues will cover membership for one year from the date paid.

Article IV. Officers

Section 1. The officers of GCSM shall be President, President Elect, Vice President, Vice President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Affiliate Representative.  Each officer shall be an active member of GCSM and GCTM, and both the President and the Affiliate Representative shall be members of NCSM.

Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be:

President - The President shall preside over all meetings of the council and of the Executive Board, shall appoint all committee members of outstanding committees and any other committees not otherwise provided for in the Constitution, see that all provisions of the Constitution are fulfilled by appropriate officers and committee chairpersons, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees and oversee the operations of the website.

President Elect - The President Elect shall shadow and assist the President upon request. In the event of the resignation, death, or long-term disability of a president during his or her term, the President Elect shall serve as President for the remainder of the unexpired term. In such case, the President Elect shall complete the vacated term of the President and then serve a subsequent full term as President. 

Vice President - The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall be chairperson of the Program Committee.

Vice President Elect - The Vice President Elect shall shadow and assist the Vice President upon request. In the event of the resignation, death, or long-term disability of a vice president during his or her term, the Vice President Elect shall serve as Vice President for the remainder of the unexpired term. In such case, the Vice President Elect shall complete the vacated term of the Vice President and then serve a subsequent full term as Vice President.

Secretary - The Secretary shall keep records and minutes of business meetings and the Executive Board of the Council and shall be responsible for all correspondence and communications.

Treasurer - The Treasurer shall maintain current records of memberships and shall receive and disperse monies as authorized by the Council.

Treasurer Elect - The Treasurer Elect shall shadow and assist the Treasurer upon request. In the event of the resignation, death, or long-term disability of the treasurer during his or her term, the Treasurer Elect shall serve as Treasurer for the remainder of the unexpired term. In such case, the Treasurer Elect shall complete the vacated term of the Treasurer and then serve a subsequent full term as Treasurer.

Affiliate Representative - The Affiliate Representative shall serve as a liaison between the Council and all affiliate organizations, shall promote the activities and membership in the affiliate organizations and shall send all documents required for affiliation to the appropriate officer.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall consist of elected officers of the council.  Three voting members shall constitute a quorum.  The Executive Board shall act as the governing body of the Council.  In the event any office is vacated the Executive Board shall select a replacement for the unexpired term.

Section 4. The election of officers and, the term of office for each shall be:

  • A.    The President and Secretary shall be elected on even numbered years to serve terms of two years.
  • B.    The Vice President, Treasurer, and Affiliate Representative shall be elected on odd numbered years to serve terms of two years.
  • C.    The President Elect shall be elected during the last year of the current President's term on the odd year for one year.
  • D.    The Vice President Elect shall be elected during the last year of the current Vice President's term on the even year for one year.
  • E. The Treasurer Elect shall be elected during the last year of the current Treasurer's term on the even year for one year.
  • F.    In the event of more than one nomination, the officers shall be elected by a written ballot of the membership. All newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the conclusion of the winter conference.

Article V. Committees

Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the President.  At the Annual Winter Conference, the committee will submit to the voting membership one name for each office to be filled.

Program Committee: The Program Committee shall consist of four members with the Vice President serving as Chairperson.  This committee shall be responsible for the planning of all program meetings of GCSM.

Article VI. Meetings

The GCSM shall hold an Annual Winter Conference.  Program sessions may be scheduled during the GCTM Conference.  The business meetings shall be conducted at the Annual Winter Conference.  Additional meetings of GCSM may be called by the President or the Executive Board provided the membership is given notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.

Article VII. Dissolution

If at any time GCSM shall cease to carry out the purposes as herein stated, all assets and property held by it, whether in trust or otherwise, shall, after the payments of its liabilities, be paid over to an organization which has similar purposes and has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501 (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as now enacted or as it may hereafter be amended, and such assets and property shall be applied exclusively for such charitable, scientific, and educational programs.

Article VIII. Amendments

Any member may propose changes in this Constitution by sending the proposed changes to the President at least ninety (90) days prior to a business meeting.  The proposed changes must be presented in writing to the membership one month prior to a business meeting.  The proposed change must be approved by two-thirds of the active members present at the business meeting.

Article IX. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern GCSM in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution and any special rules or order GCSM may adopt.



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